So I just played my first gig last night and I’m having issues with key bass player was kind of a dick about it singer/rhythm was pretty chill and really liked me playing lead, but my question is am I technically in key if I’m playing the correct scales for example: am I playing in A minor key if I’m playing A minor pentatonic scales. I’m trying to figure out before the next gig and do my homework i came here because google doesn’t have the answer to my specific question.
UPDATE: I was wrong about my bass player I was just butt hurt he criticized me fairly but I took it on the sleeve because he was kinda ignoring me all night I felt as tho I wasn’t wanted there I did my home work today figured out what the deal is I need to learn as many scales as I can and the names of notes within them that and I need to check out arpeggio. What I don’t need to do is give up and quit showing up I just got allot of practice to do, mindless noodling has only get me so far and I’ve progressed super slow in the past 4 years honestly because of me slacking but honestly what better way to practice than with others. One more thing I just needed to figure out key until now I didn’t understand what key was I knew it was something about complimenting eachothers playing that’s a simplified answer btw that and I done my home work on it and talking to you guys just cements the research I did and learning a few scales and seeing how they tie into eachother throughout the whole fretboard once I get my ear trained to know what key it is to play in i can handle the note execution I left this out previous my problem wasn’t note execution per say it was being in the wrong fucking key the whole time because I was getting by with the basic pentatonic box pattern and letting reverb, bends, and sliding notes carry me what we played didn’t sound terrible it was just not correct and sounded off to those who know what to listen for. THANKS GUYS YALL HAVE BEEN A BIG HELP!
submitted by /u/Available-Sun8341
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