Fishman Neo-D Single Coil Acoustic Pickup

Fishman Neo-D

What is it?

The Fishman Neo-D is a low-cost passive single-coil soundhole pickup for acoustic guitar.  In this category, the Fishman outperforms most other pickups.  After all, doesn’t Neo-D sound like a character out of The Matrix?

The pickup comes smartly wrapped in a clear polyurethane package.

From the package:  The Neo-D Single Coil produces the bright, shimmering qualities associated with single coil pickups.  Note that single coil pickups are susceptible to 50-60Hz hum and should be kept away from fluorescent lights, dimmer packs, computer monitors, and transformers.

Does this mean it can be used only in the Nevada desert away from all civilization?  Not exactly.  While many higher end guitars like Martins, Taylors, Yamahas come already equipped with integrated pickups and equalizers, there is a use for the discrete pickup:  It can make a less-flattering, tinny guitar sound amazing!


  • Neodymium magnets provide exceptional string balance & clarity
  • Low profile, high impedance design needs no battery
  • Easy installation with no alteration
  • Fits soundholes as small as 3 7/8” or 98.5mm

Mind Your Amplifier

While I highly encourage the use of an acoustic amplifier, who really has one kicking around?  So I use this pickup in my Fender 1957 Blues Deluxe Reissue.  Yes, this is a 45-watt tube amp that can blow the socks of your feet, I keep the volume low and warm.  Another trick when using an unmatched amplifier is to start low.  While this is a high-impedance pickup (most passive ones are), this means there will be a high resistive load at some frequencies meaning you will need to crank your amp to get a decent level out of it.  Tweak the treble control down as you may experience too-high pitched tones for your ears to handle.

Also, never step too close to your amp with the guitar facing it as this will produce tremendous feedback that will force your neighbours to run for cover.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention that I tried this pickup on my Parkwood PW-510, Hondo, and 12-string Applause by Ovation.

Who’s it for?

The Fishman Neo-D is ideal for anybody needing a little more punch from their acoustic guitar.  Anybody with a handy guitar amp would be able to plug into this and really belt the chords out.  After all, this is a pick-up.

How much does it cost?

The Fishman Neo-D acoustic pickup retails for $39.99.

What do you think?

One of the best things about this pickup is the length of the wire.  Also, to get the most out of this pickup, ensure you have new, clean strings.  Fishman recommends bronze or phosphor bronze strings to achieve the correct response from the Neo-D.

Would you tell your friends about it?

I sure would.  Here’s a $40 device, pretty low-cost for the player who’s on a budget.  

About Grasshopper James 44 Articles
Hi I'm Grasshopper James from Montreal. Welcome to my blog and thanks for visiting. I've been rocking it here since 2007 with my Fender Stratocaster American Standard, Fender Telecaster American Standard, Fender Blues Deluxe '57 Reissue, Ibanez TS9, Boss TU-3, Boss ME-25, Boss GT-3, Boss OD-1, Ernie Ball Slinky 10-46, Jim Dunlop Jazz III Pick, and a Parkwood PW-510.

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