[QUESTION] Rick Beato or Paul Davids courses

Hi everyone!

After a decade of pause I picked up the guitar a couple months ago but I don’t feel satisfied with just memorizing riffs and stuff, I want to improve at improvisation, get technically better and have a deeper understanding of music theory in general.

I’ve been scrolling through loads of stuff on YouTube in the past months and two channels got my attention. One is Paul Davids’ the other is Rick Beato’s. Both of them offer online courses. Paul has the Next level playing bundle, looks well structured and seems to be exactly what I’m looking for. Rick has a course named Quick lessons which is also consisting of topics I’d be interested in, also at the moment it’s less than half the price of Paul’s course.

Does anybody have any experience with these courses? Are they worth it? Also any other course recommendation is welcomed.


submitted by /u/cyrfandli
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