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[Question] Lead channel guitar: hum and signal interference grows, ends up killing overdrive, almost sounds like the clean channel. Unplug cable from guitar and plug back in and it goes back to overdrive with minimal interference. The cycle lasts for about 5-10 minutes. What do?

Guit: 2022 Gibson SG Modern Amp: 2003 Marshall JCM 2000 TSL 122 So, the inference is the regular stuff, 60 cycle hum, as it builds in intensity, there’s light radio signal interference. At the end the overdrive practically disappears until the cable is unplugged from the guitar jack. I looked 🎸

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[GEAR] Epiphone Les Paul custom

Still very new to guitar and LOVING it. As soon as I saw this I knew I had to have it. Now I’m feeling even more motivated. submitted by /u/Hydra113 [link] [comments]

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[QUESTION]Pedal Board Sound?

My pedal board consists of 8 pedals which are all daisy chained from one basic 9v power supply and some of my pedals (especially my big muff rams head) make a lot of noise and hiss when turned on. Is this because of my daisy chain setup? And would a 🎸

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[DISCUSSION] Hardtailed by strat but with a cost

hardtailed by strat recently because i never used the tromolo, literaly just watched a video on what to do. tightened the rear springs until the bridge was flush. i feel like it stays in tune much better now, and without the dynamic movment just feels overall more sturdy. but with 🎸

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[QUESTION] 1976 Gibson J45/50

My grandfathers guitar that my disconnected uncle received at his (grandfathers) passing some ten years back. I heard he was shopping around to sell it so I reached out. I was ultimately able to work out a deal with him and it will be at my house today. I’m really 🎸

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[QUESTION] Metal Amp Tone

I’m really curious what everybody thinks… is it better to buy an amplifier that has a great metal tone or do you prefer an amp with lots of head room that you can run a great distortion pedal through? What’s going to get you the best tone? submitted by /u/dark_theology 🎸