[Discussion] I was able to play guitar for the first time in more than 5 weeks yesterday

Some background. I was involved in a car accident and had multiple injuries, including a fractured left wrist. That was probably the least severe of my injuries, but I was not able to play guitar as a result. I have been playing guitar for nearly 24 years and it is my main hobby. I love playing and it was devastating to me not being able to play.

I was able to begin moving my wrist this week and my dad brought a guitar in for me to play and I was able to play for a few minutes before my wrist began to hurt me. But it was one of those things that made me feel like I was getting back to normal.

I’m sharing this because I know a lot of people on this sub are newer players and may be getting discouraged at the lack of progress. Don’t give up. Take it from me, you can be playing for a long time and be in a situation where you almost have to start over.

submitted by /u/Stratobastardo34
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