[DISCUSSION] Where do folks find other players to jam or learn with?

‘Back in the day’ a post on a bulletin board might garner a few replies – but it is 2023 I am wondering where are the places to find fellow players?

As for me, I am early 70s (age not musical era lol) – I am intermediate and play a tele.

As for my ‘history’, I actually have been in the music biz for many years (record engineer and producer, and player on many of the record I produced, mostly quirky stuff) and after a long layoff, have been enjoying my Spark 40 and daily playing. These days, just happy to jam and I bring up tracks to play along with but I have never really had the experience of playing and interacting. I would love to meet up with other players in my area (Southern Connecticut / Westchester NY) but have no clue how to find them.

Where do I look? How do I look? I am not in a school situation, so that is not an option to find fellow players (unless everyone suggests that I join one) and I have time days and evening. Where do I look, and how?

Thanks all..

submitted by /u/blankpro
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