After struggling with the F chord for years I’d quit guitar twice. Having nothing to do in quarantine I started playing guitar again. 3 days ago I started learning cats in the cradle and well I used the easier version of the F chord. While singing I found out that it would be way cooler to play Barre F and transition to Barre G and well I tried to play it again and again and voilaaaa today I was playing and well my fingers went from D to F, not completely smooth but it was an F, all the strings are playing. I was overjoyedddd I then tried transiting from C to Barre F and it worked. Again from A to F it worked againnnnnn!!! I was just practicing from D to F and now I feel like I can transition from any chord

Idk if a post like this is allowed here but I’m overjoyed and I’ve got no one to tell this to. This felt like climbing one of the greatest barriers I had in life and has inspired me lol.

I’ll practice some more and make it smoother and will go for B chord which seems harder. Auyayayyay sorry I’m just filled with feelings rn.

Tl;Dr: after neglecting for sooo long I tried to play the Barre F again and I finally can transition to and from F chord now.

Edit: thanks everyone gosh I love this community, thanks a lot for those awards too, actually didn’t know it was spelled voila so I changed that. Thank you all and everyone who’s trying keep trying and you’ll all crack it eventually.

submitted by /u/random_redditor911
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