Hi, I’ve been a guitarist for around 6-7 years so far, starting off in middle school, and playing heavily in high school. I had experience playing for my school’s orchestra’s band, as well as doing (Kinda novice level) Jazz concerts around my area when I was still in high school. I really enjoyed the instrument at that time, but college really messed (and is continuing to mess) me up in terms of playing. I haven’t played in any ‘professional’/on-stage setting since high school, and it feels like I’ve hit an impassible wall and am slowly degrading in performance. Things I’ve played before don’t come as easily as they once did, and it’s kinda of discouraging.
I’ve taken a deep dive into the realm of technical guitar/progressive metal (Things like Periphery, Plini, Animals as Leaders, Chon, nyu., Polyphia etc.) and it just feels impossible to play anything I listen to. The genre itself excites me, but the skill floor to get into it just seems tremendously hard to reach.
It probably doesn’t help that what I listen to now is massively different than what I played mainly in high school (Radiohead, Hendrix, Deftones, a mix of 70-80’s rock, 90s grunge and alternative, and 2000-10’s pop for that school band). In fact, I think it might be a comparison issue, as progressive metal is just so much harder than what I played before. But still, I find it unbelievably difficult to find something interesting to play.
This has basically led me to a position where I’m just stuck. I’m not progressing skill wise, I’m not really learning any new songs (The last thing I learned fully was months ago), and everything I record feels nothing like what I enjoy listening to. Overall, it’s just disheartening, and I’ve considered just quitting and producing electronic music instead (as I appear to actually have some strange skill with that somehow). I really don’t want to just give up playing guitar though, and I still have a desire to learn those really technical/progressive songs that I listen to, but it just feels like I don’t know what to even start with. I’m just looking for any suggestions, or something to at least nudge me as to what I should do?
Just looking at this post now, it is massively disorganized, but I hope I’ve gotten my question across?
(Edit, nyu. is the band name. Not .nyu)
submitted by /u/Sirius_TheGrayFox
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